FoodService Director

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Food Service Director Podcasts

Menu Feed

Tune into Menu Feed, a culinary-centered podcast hosted by Senior Editor Patricia Cobe.

Inside FSD

The majesty of mushrooms works its magic on menus and shapeshifts from taco filling to escabeche to pate to grilled cheese and more.

As the summer season nears, several food-centric holidays approach. Holidays involving sweet treats are especially prominent next month. From LGBTQ+ Pride month to National Ice Cream Soda Day, here’s a look at four marketing opportunities in the coming weeks.

The Chartwells K12 team at the district provides monthly meals to shelter patrons.

FSD is the exclusive media partner of ANFP

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: Iowa announces summer meal site grant recipients and Delaware bill that would expand free school meal access takes another step forward to becoming a law.

Heart of Foodservice: Check out this latest installment of FSD’s new weekly series on good food, good deeds and stealable ideas.

As college and university dining programs grapple with the question of how to be more sustainable, their own diners may help them get the message across.

Menu Directions

June 17 - 19, 2024   |   Loews Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
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